- 模糊圆circle of confusion
- 最小模糊圆circle of least confusion
- 圆circle
- 模糊vague
- 模糊的hazy
- 圆的roundish
- 圆环traffic circle
- 这项工作不容许有任何疏忽。This task does not allow any omissions.
- 模糊地faintly
- 我们这里容许发表各种意见。We tolerate all opinions here.
- 日圆Japanese yen (unit of currency)
- 容许信奉异教to tolerate heresy
- 外圆excircle
- 模糊查询fuzzy query
- 当局竟容许此事发生实在令人遗憾。It is regrettable that the authorities should allow this to happen.
- 圆头pommel
- 模糊性fuzzification
- 我们坚持高标准,决不容许有些放松。There must be no relaxation in our high standards.
- 圆管circular tube
- 模糊化obfuscation