- 风钢琴伴奏在家里唱歌和在众人面前演唱是不一样的。Singing to the piano at home is not the same as facing the public.
- 风news
- 风的Aeolian
- 和风breeze
- 风管wind pipe
- 她已整整一年没有练钢琴了。She has been out of practice on the piano for a whole year.
- 风花雪月sentimental writings of the exploiting classes
- 他在钢琴上弹了一首曲子。He struck a tune on the piano.
- 风道whirl tube
- 她由钢琴伴唱。She sang to the accompaniment of the piano.
- 随风with the wind
- 听众热情地为钢琴演奏者鼓掌。The audience clapped the pianist heartily.
- 有风windy
- 排风discharge air
- 一阵风flatus
- 风电wind-powered electricity generation
- 随风飘rack
- 风吹blow
- 国风national practice of forms of behavior
- 风冷wind cooling