- 家养小精灵的角色和职责十分重要。The role or function of the house-elves is very important.
- 而且吃的也很好。他的家养小精灵真的非常会做调味酱。And the food's good. His house elves really know how to put out a spread.
- 另一张被Malfoy庄园的家养小精灵挽救的羊皮纸,被放置在会客室写字台的抽屉里。Another discarded document rescued by the Malfoy Manor house elves and placed in a drawer in the parlour escritoire.
- 赫敏.格兰杰为给霍格沃茨的家养小精灵带来启迪工作着,目前为止几乎没有成功。Hermione Granger is working to bring enlightened thinking to the house-elves at Hogwarts, so far with very little success.
- Snape教授让家养小精灵准备一份盛大的午餐,他瞪着我,直到我吃得都动弹不得了为止。他给了我两本书。Professor Snape had the house elves prepare a huge dinner and he glared at me until I'd eaten so much I could barely move. He gave me two books.
- 你在此,不是么?再说,家养小精灵们总是认定我吃得太少,所以老是给我装备了一个连的食物。你自便吧。You're here, aren't you? And the house elves have decided I don't eat enough so they always set out enough food for an army. Help yourself.
- 具有讽刺意义的是,魔法部中厅的魔法兄弟喷泉中雕刻了一个妖精,他和家养小精灵与马人一起以崇敬的目光凝视着那对男女巫师。Ironically, the Fountain of Magical Brethren in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic shows a goblin, along with a house-elf and a centaur, gazing admiringly at a witch and wizard.
- 家养domestic
- 牧群为了某种特定目的而养在一起的牛群或其他同种家养动物群A group of cattle or other domestic animals of a single kind kept together for a specific purpose.
- 家禽用作蛋品或肉类的家养禽类,如小鸡、火鸡、鸭或鹅Domestic fowls, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for meat or eggs.
- 家养的homebred
- 婶婶,叔叔:阿尔法德叔叔为布莱克留下了一笔数量可观的金子,埃拉朵拉婶婶开创了只要家养小精灵老地端不动盘子时就被砍头的传统。Aunts, Uncles: Uncle Alphard, who left Sirius money and Aunt Elladora who started the tradition of beheading house-elves when they were too old to carry tea trays.
- 猫在许多国家都是家养动物。The cat is a domestic animal in many countries.
- 家牛牛或其它家养的属于牛属的那种动物A cow or other domestic bovine animal.
- 南美洲豚鼠;可能是家养豚鼠的祖先。South American cavy; possibly ancestral to the domestic guinea pig.
- 欧洲臭鼬的家养变种,用于捕鼠和兔子。domesticated albino variety of the European polecat bred for hunting rats and rabbits.
- 家养种cultigen
- 赡家养口support a family
- 家庭/家养宠物a family/domestic pet
- 家养鹌鹑demestic quail