- 审讯持续了一个星期.The trial lasted a week.
- 机场附近的战斗持续了一个星期,敌军才被击溃。The fighting around the airport continued for a week before the enemy was defeated.
- 暴风雨持续了一个星期。The storm persisted for a week.
- 寒冷的天气持续了一个星期,气温也没有回升,每天我们滑着冰穿过森林。The cold snap did not lift for a week. Every day we skated through the forest.
- 审讯持续了一个星期。The trial lasted a week.
- 但是事实上,记录中却显示了一个持续了几千年的递减过程。The actual record shows a gradual decline in species that occurs over several thousand years.
- 会议持续了一个星期。The conference has lasted for a week.
- 女孩在姑妈家住了一个星期就想家了。The girl became homesick after a week's stay at her aunt's.
- 大火持续了一个小时。The fire lasted an hour.
- 炎热的天气持续了一个月。The hot weather continued for a month.
- 玛丽已经病了一个星期。Mary has been ailing for a week.
- 最后,小的交火时断时续地又持续了一个月。At last the small battles stuttered continuously for a month.
- 连续下了一个星期雨a week of incessant rains
- 机场附近的战斗持续了一个星期,敌军才被击溃。The fighting around the airport continued for a week before the enemy was defeated.
- 考试只不过持续了一个小时左右。A: The test lasted for only about one hour. B: But it was a long hour for me.
- 我们在露营地呆了一个星期。We stopped at a campsite for a week.
- 罢工持续了一个多月才得到解决。The strike lasted more than a month before it was settled.
- 对证人的讯问进行了一个星期。The examination of all the witnesses took a week.
- 我们共度了一个星期。We spent a week together.
- 音乐会仅仅持续了一个小时,让我们有一种缺斤少两的感觉。The concert only lasted an hour, so we felt we were getting short measure.