- 孩子饿瘦的身体.The shrunken body of a starving child
- 那胖姑娘饿瘦了。The fat girl was attenuated by hunger.
- 饿瘦了的starveling
- 身体body
- 当在这个富足的国家里,当没有孩子饿着肚子上床睡觉时,我可能会回去教书。When there are no children going to bed hungry in this rich nation, I may be ready to go back to teaching.
- 饿瘦了的人starveling
- 女佣用毛巾把孩子的身体拭干。The maid towelled the child dry.
- 瘦lean
- 这孩子饿得慌。The child was rare and hungry.
- 身体健康in good condition
- 这孩子饿得直哭。The child cried from hunger.
- 小而瘦的獚,耳朵直立,棕色到白色的身体上有黑色的斑点。small slender toy spaniel with erect ears and a black-spotted brown to white coat.
- 饿to be hungry
- 身体的corporal
- 瘦身reduce weight
- 锻炼身体harden the body
- 母亲们和孩子们渐渐来到这个救灾中心,一个个母亲形容枯槁,一个个孩子饿着肚子,瞪着圆圆的大眼睛。Gradually mothers and children started coming into the famine relief centre,the mothers thin and emaciated,the children with empty bellied and eyes as big as saucers.
- 瘦的thin
- 他蠕动他那瘦小的身体钻过了树篱。He wormed his small body through the hedge.
- 一位瘦瘦的,面孔严肃的人向特丽萨·范·伯伦申诉。A thin, serious-faced man appealed to Teresa Van Buren.