- 孩子们生气勃勃.Children are full of life.
- 们(plural marker for pronouns and a few animate nouns)
- 沿着人行道走的孩子们children trooping along the sidewalk
- 孩子们会说他们学了,成绩却是"C"或"B",感到很震惊。Kids will say they studied and be shocked to get C's and B's.
- 孩子们children
- 孩子们穿着戏装在屋子里雀跃The children flounced around the room in their costumes.
- 孩子们拼命地(沿街)飞跑。The children streaked off (down the street) as fast as they could.
- 孩子们总喜欢去马戏团。the children always love to go to the circus.
- 孩子们,不要往大海走得太远,不然波涛会把你们推倒的。Don't go too far into the sea, children, or the waves will sweep you off your feet.
- 他在孩子们身上花钱毫不吝惜。He lavished money on his children without stint.
- 她带孩子们去看马戏。She took the children to the circus.
- 孩子们被带到一个安全的地方。The children were led to a place of safety.
- 孩子们高度兴奋。The children were in a high pitch of excitement.
- 第二个问题与孩子们的安全有直接关系。必须立即解决。The second question directly concerns children's safety, so it should be solved at once.
- 孩子们喜欢在床上跳着玩。Children love to jump on the bed.
- 我呢,我跟孩子们练习了大量口语,也不必担心我是否犯了错。While for me,I practiced a lot with children and I didn't worry about whether I made a mistake.
- 约翰正和孩子们在海滩上玩。John is sporting with the children on the beach.
- 给孩子们唱儿歌.sing nursery rhymes to the children
- 孩子们学习,有的快,有的慢。Children learn at different rates.
- 孩子们5岁时上学吗?Children enter school at the age of five,do not they?