- 孩子们暮暮地跑下楼.The children clattered (ie ran noisily) downstairs.
- 孩子们咔咔地跑下楼.The children clattered (ie ran noisily) downstairs
- 孩子们登登地跑下楼。The children clattered downstairs.
- 既已相遇,何忍分离,愿年年岁岁永相依,朝朝暮暮心相携。祝情人节心相随。Since we meet, I don't want to leave.I hope I'm with you everyday and everynight forever, May your heart be with me on Valentines Day.
- 她飞快地跑下楼。She ran down the stairs swiftly.
- 我有花一朵种在我心中含苞待放意幽幽朝朝与暮暮我切切地等候有心的人来入梦I have a flower Grown in my heart Eager to emit her fragrance Day in and day out She's looking forward To a man who's willing to color her dreams
- 她十分难过地丢下了她的孩子们。She left her children behind with a heavy heart.
- 孩子们跑上/跑下楼去。The children ran up/down the stairs.
- 我跑下楼越过他,想把我的背包扔进他的白色柴油梅赛德斯里I ran downstairs ahead of him to throw my backpack into his old white diesel Mercedes.
- 孩子们快乐地跑着玩儿。The children were running about happily.
- 在不同的文化和不同的情况下,礼仪是不同的.Etiquette is different in different cultures and situations.
- 习惯就是习惯,谁也不能将其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引它下楼。(马克吐温) Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step a time.( Mark Twain)
- 孩子们在四周噔噔地跑跳。The children were stomping around noisily.
- 卡梅尔跑下楼Camel who was racing down the stairs
- 孩子们飞快地跑出学校。The children rushed out of school.
- 孩子们脚步轻捷地走下楼。The kids came tripping down the stairs.
- 她格格地跑下破裂的石阶。She clattered down the worn and chipped stone steps.
- 首先我跑下楼。之后打火警电话,再之后我冲进燃烧的屋子,最后我救出两个小孩。First, I ran downstairs. Next, I called the fire alarm. Then, I rushed into the burning house. Finally I rescued two children.
- 我们能听到孩子们在楼上咚咚地跑来跑去。We could hear the kids banging around upstairs.
- 牛奶,麦片粥和烤面包。孩子们,快点儿。二十分钟后下楼。Milk, cereal and toast. Hurry up, children. Come downstairs in twenty minutes.