- 学校的门卫.the school caretaker
- 学校的scholastic
- 学校school
- 旅馆的门卫会给你叫出租车。The hotel porter will call a taxi for you.
- 哦!对了!我为什么不到学校的就业咨询处去查询一下呢。Oh, well why do not I check out the campus employment office?
- 其中一个人说,'我从一个报馆的门卫那里得知你的广告,这家伙向我索取了100里拉。'One was saying, ' I learned of your ad from the doorman at the newspaper, the bastard took me for a hundred lira. '
- 在天气非常适合做游戏时,孩子们不应该非得呆在家里做学校的功课。Children should not have to stick indoors doing school work when the weather is so good for playing games.
- 其中一个人说,'我从一个报馆的门卫那里得知你的广告,这家伙向我索取了100里拉。One was saying, ' I learned of your ad.from the doorman at the newspaper, the bastard took me for a hundred lira. '
- 给门卫的小费数目取决于行李的多少,为你拿行李并把它递给行李员的门卫要付给1至2美元的小费。Doormen Depending on the amount of luggage, tip %241 to %242 to the doorman who takes your bags and turns them over to a bellman.
- 倘若我是那个学校的校长,我就会和教育局大吵大闹,直到他们把操场上的坑坑洼洼都填平。If I were the headmaster of that school, I'd raise hell with the education office till they got all those potholes in the playground filled.
- 也许,这就是为什么人们不仅要在自己家的门上装上锁链和猫眼,有时还在楼下装上旋转栅门和配上带枪的门卫。Maybe this is why people have chains and peep-holes on their doors, and sometimes a locked turnstile and an armed security guard downstairs.
- 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。Some of the teachers and staff members board out.
- 她在学校的戏里扮演主角。She played the leading role in the school play.
- 短裙是她学校的流行服饰。Short skirts are the mode in her school.
- 她在学校的成绩很好。She made good marks at school.
- 法律免除公立学校的纳税义务。The law gives public schools immunity from taxation.
- 肮脏的教室是学校的耻辱。The dirty classrooms are a disgrace to the school.
- 我在学校的出席情况极好。My attendance at school is excellent.
- 学校的生活平淡无味。School life is routine.
- 大学代表队在运动会、游戏或其它竞赛中代表一所大学、大专或学校的主队The principal team representing a university, college, or school in sports, games, or other competitions.