- 她的话里字字句句都带着刺。Everything she said dripped acid.
- 他的话里字字句句都带着刺。Everything he said drip ped acid.
- 她全神贯注地听校长演讲的字字句句。She drank in every word of the principal's lecture.
- 我全神贯注地倾听安塞姆先生演讲的字字句句。I drank in every word of Mr. anselm's lecture
- 腾格拉尔这时以锐利的目光盯着那青年,卡德鲁斯的话字字句句都融进了那青年的心里。During this time Danglars fixed his piercing glance on the young man, on whose heart Caderousse's words fell like molten lead.
- 好久以后,在一棵橡树上,我找到那支箭,完好没折断;还有那支歌,我也找见,字字句句记在朋友的心间。Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroken; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend.