- 孔夫子搬家,尽是书(输)Confucius moves house/nothing But Books(always lose)
- 孔夫子搬家--尽是书lose every time one fights
- 中国的一位圣人孔夫子说过::“有朋自远方来来,不亦乐乎!”Chinese sage Confucius says,"Is it not a delight after all to have friends come from far!"
- 孔夫子的《论语》传下来了,“五经”、“十三经”传下来了,“二十四史”都传下来了。The Confucian Analects, the Five Classics, the Thirteen' Classics and the Twenty-four Dynastic Histories have all been handed down to us.
- 冲孔punching
- 夫子pedant
- 孔夫子Confucious
- 搬家那天闹哄哄的There was a lot of fuss on moving day.
- 螺孔screw
- 内孔endoporus
- 人孔manhole
- 安装孔open holes
- 圆孔round orifice
- 螺纹孔tap hole
- 排水孔osculum
- 缩孔shrinkage cavity
- 沉孔counter bore
- 螺栓孔bolt hole
- 盲孔dead hole
- 排气孔air exit hole