- 娇妻beloved wife
- 娇嗔grumble in a flirtish manner
- 金屋藏娇live with the young wife in a plush apartment
- 娇女beloved daughter
- 江山如此多娇。The land is so rich in beauty.
- 千娇百媚beautiful and charming
- 娇坏spoil
- 娇儿darling son
- 娇爱indulge
- 媚态娇容a seductive appearance and attractive manner
- 这孩子身体太娇。The child's health is fragile.
- 娇脏fragile organ; the lung
- 虚娇false pride
- 娇发lovelock
- 娇态minauderie
- 娇养mollycoddle
- 她是个娇She was a small, plump, fair woman, with a bright, clear eye, and an extraordinary air of neatness and briskness.
- 她身材娇She was short, plump, and fair, with a fine bloom&b{Jane Austen)
- 娇声娇气pretentious
- 娇娘beautiful young woman