- 威廉·戈尔丁Sir William Golding
- 威廉Wilhelm
- 读威廉·戈尔丁的《蝇王》On Lord of the Flies
- 戈尔丁Golding
- 戈尔丁的小说Golding's novels
- “他的头发紧贴在前额上”(威廉·戈尔丁)"His hair was plastered to his forehead" (William Golding)
- 戈尔丁是1992年全英冠军。Golding was the 1992 all-England champion.
- 威廉来援助我。William came to my rescue.
- 你读过戈尔丁写的这本书吗?Have you read this book by gold?
- 威廉港Wilhelmshaven
- 他没有读过戈尔丁写的这本书,但她读过了。He has not read the book by Golding,but she has.
- 我们在威廉公路上的一家店里买到了它。We got it at a shop in William Highroad.
- 正如美国国家航空和宇宙航空局的丹尼尔. 戈尔丁指出的As Daniel Goldin of NASA observed
- 要知道一张威廉王子和女朋友的合影照片可是大有价值的。A picture of William with a girlfriend would be especially prized.
- 国家航空和航天局:1958年成立。局长-丹尼尔?戈尔丁。National Aeronautics and Space Administration: f. 1958; Admin.-daniel S goldin.
- 威廉渴望上大学。William has set his heart on going to college.
- 在斯托地方的亨廷顿古玩店的迈克尔 - 戈尔丁欣然担任了临时导游的任务。Michael Golding of Huntington Antiques in Stow accepts his role as an impromptu guide with good grace.
- "1860年,一个名叫威廉。娄的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。""In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low."
- "威廉先生拒绝接受他朋友的劝告,暴跳如雷地离开了办公室。"Mr Williams refused his friend's advice and flounced out of the office.
- 哈佛大学经济史专家克劳迪姬·戈尔丁说:“现在,离开学校去找一份工作比在大学里苦读书要容易。"It's easier to go out and get a job now than to do the hard work and stay in college," says Claudia Goldin, an economic historian at Harvard University.