- 他们的下一个目标是威尼托大街入口处的蜜蜂喷泉,这是根据17世纪罗马著名雕塑家贝尔尼尼的设计建成的。The next target was the Fountain of the Bees, at the entrance to the Via Veneto. This was built to the design of the famous Roman 17th Century sculptor Gianlorenzo Bernini.
- 威尼托,意大利东北部的一个地区,临亚得里亚海。它从15世纪初以来一直受威尼斯的统治,在1797年转让给奥地利并于1806年授给了意大利。A region of northeast Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea. Dominated by Venice since the early15th century,it passed to Austria in 1797 and was awarded to Italy in 1866.