- 威妥玛式拼音Wade-Giles Spelling System
- 英国公使威妥玛与天津教案British Minister Wade in the Trial of Tianjing Missionary Case
- 法law
- 邮政式拼音Postal Spelling System
- 无法unable
- 拼音Pinyin
- 威might
- 我发明了一套自己才看得懂的笨拙的拼音法,老师发现后,叫我以后别在方块字旁写上罗马拼音字。I invented my own clumsy way of annotating the sounds of Mandarin. Lao shi advised against it. She told me to stop writing Roman forms next to Chinese words.
- 嵌入式flush bonding
- 说法statement
- 妥sound
- 过去式preterite
- 在教导儿童学习汉语拼音时,老师们有必要教导学童辨别汉语拼音和英文字母的拼音法是不同的,以免产生混淆。When teaching children to learn pinyin, teachers must highlight the differences in enunciating Chinese and English vowels and consonants to avoid confusion as both systems use the alphabet.
- 输入法input method
- 式的fashioned
- 巴比妥barbitone
- 除法division
- 美式American
- 谈妥negotiate
- 拼音字母phonetic alphabet