- 妈妈养活我们全家.Mum's the bread-winner in our family.
- 妈妈养活我们全家。Mum's the bread-winner in our family.
- 所以你还得去上班,挣钱养活我们。So you have to go to work and earn mony to feed weselves
- 妈妈mama
- 最初爸爸把我和两个弟弟送进孤儿院。几个月以后,他把我们接回家来。为了养活我们,我爸爸在两三个地方打工。My father had initially sent me and my two younger brothers to an orphanage. After several months we returned home. Dad worked two or three jobs to keep a roof over our heads.
- 当爸爸第一次试做星期日的正餐时,我们全家都取笑他。The whole family took the rise out of dad when the first tried to cook the Sunday dinner.
- 妈妈过去常常自制桃子果酱。Mother used to make peach preserves.
- 我们晚餐吃牛排。We had beef steak for dinner.
- 妈妈烤了火鸡当晚餐。Mother roasted a turkey for dinner.
- 我们全家都喜欢滑雪。All my family enjoy skiing.
- 妈妈,我要走了。I'm leaving now, mum.
- 我们队下定决心取胜。Our team made a stern resolve to win.
- 我们策马快步出发。We set off at a trot.
- 我们必须通知警方。We must inform the police.
- 他是个杠夫,以微薄的收入养活全家。He is a professional coffin bearer who raises a family with his limited revenue.
- 我们吃力地走过了树林。We tramped through the wood.
- 我们每年合家团聚一次。Our family has a yearly reunion.
- 过去他在上海的牙行做事,养活全家。In the past, he earned a living in a brokerage house in Shanghai to support the entire family.
- 我们坚决反对扩张主义。We stood firmly against expansionism.
- 我们日常的平静生活免不了会遇到一些波折。It is impossible to live without some daily ruffles to our composure.