- 趣乐妈咪宝贝欢沁套组Cherub Rubs Joy of Love
- 英国《妈咪宝贝》杂志的此项调查发现,60%的宝宝每天都洗澡,20%的宝宝每隔一天洗一次,仅有19%的宝宝是按照专家建议,每周洗两至三次。The British Mother And Baby magazine survey found six out of 10 babies were bathed every day, 20 per cent were bathed every other day and only 19 per cent were bathed the recommended two to three times a week.
- 妈咪mummy
- 妈mamma
- 咪sound to call cat
- 猫咪kitty
- 我要妈咪!I want my mummy!
- 我要妈咪!I want my mummy!
- 我听到你在电话里叫你母亲“妈咪”。I hear you call your mother " mommy " on the phone.
- 妈咪爱Medilac-Vita(含粪链球菌、枯草杆菌、乳酸钙、氧化锌和维生素)<消化不良治疗药>
- 她不想我再唱歌[你让妈咪哭了,为什么。为什么妈咪要哭]She don't want me to sing, "You're makin mummy cry, why, why's mummy crying?
- 足球妈咪soccer mom
- 自从妈咪昨晚带回一盒巧克力,凯文就有了想吃甜食的欲望。Kelvin has had a craving for something sweet since Mother brought home a box of chocolates last night.
- “妈咪爱”Mamiai
- 妈咪爱散剂Medilac-vita powder
- 让我来扮演妈咪;扮演牛仔和印第安人。Let's play like I am mommy; Play cowboy and Indians.
- 小骇客和小妈咪Little hacker and little mommy
- 你不再爱妈咪了吗?E: But did you fall out of love with Mommy?
- 抱我吧,妈咪。请抱我吧,Hug me, Mummy. Hug me please.
- 妈咪在哪?妈咪在哪?Where is Mum - my? Where is Mum - my?