- 好象通过降落来或去.To go or come as if by falling
- 加重于,使变重通过或好象通过附加一个重物来增加重量;使变重或变得更重To add to, by or as if by attaching a weight; make heavy or heavier.
- 转移通过或好象通过转移被传递或转变位置To be transmitted or transferred by or as if by metastasis.
- 通过或好象通过去头去尾使突然终结的。terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off.
- 偶然地来或去;露面语源。To come or go casually; make an appearance.
- 通过或好象通过圈套或罗网逮着to take by or as if by trapping or snaring
- 作短暂的访问;来或去一会儿Pop inbmake a brief visit
- 好象通过把他个人奉献给这个事业,就能纠正过去所犯的错误。As if he could right the wrongs of the past by his own personal dedication to the cause.
- 接近,靠近:来或去接近或更接近于To come or go near or nearer to
- 好象通过把他个人奉献给这个事业,就能纠正过去所犯的错误。As if he could right the wrongs of the past by his own personal dedication to the cause.
- 他说起英语来,好象一个英国人似的。He speaks English as if he were an Englishman.
- 就好象不去曼哈顿的话,just as no image of Manhattan island is complete
- 制造视觉影象通过例如磁共振成像这样的方法来显现(某物)To visualize(something, as by magnetic resonance imaging.
- 围绕或好象以光环围绕To encircle with or as if with a halo.
- 汤姆在谈论中国,就好象他去过一样。Tom is talking about China as if he had been there.
- 通过或好象通过交织连接在一起;使交织to connect by or as if by lacing together; interweave
- 对他们公司说来,情况好象越来越糟了。Things are looking bluer than ever for their firm.
- 好象并没有被他的新任务压得喘不过气来。He doesn't seem loaded down with his fresh responsibilities.
- 通过或好象通过用手折叠、挤压,和拉扯而制成或成型to make or shape by or as if by folding,pressing,and stretching with the hands
- 她好象灵感受到引发而唱起歌来。She sang as if inspired.