- 她获得标枪比赛第二名.She came second in the javelin.
- 她在选美比赛中获得第二名。She took second place in the beauty contest.
- 她she
- 标枪比赛规则比大多数人认为的重复杂得多,具体得多,就连鞋底的厚度也有一定有限制。The rules for javelin are more complex and specific than most people think. For example,the shoes of the thrower are limited to a certain range of thickness.
- 获得to obtain
- 她的her
- 芬兰选手帕维伦以86米的成绩击败史蒂夫·巴克利获得标枪项目的冠军,史蒂夫·巴克利只投了85.44米。Finland's Parvainen won the javelin event with a winning throw of 86.00 metres,Beating Steve Backley who could only manage 85.44 metres.
- 我在演讲比赛中得了第二名。I got a second in the speech contest.
- 她获得奥林匹克游泳金牌。She won an Olympic gold medal in swimming.
- 我的那匹马在比赛中得了倒数第二名.My horse came next to last (ie last but one) in the race
- 她获得了奥林匹克体操比赛的资格。She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition.
- 她获得冠军,一举成名。She made her mark by winning a championship.
- 在比赛中取得前三名之一,尤指第二名To arrive among the first three finishers in a race,especially to finish second.
- 她获得观众热烈的欢迎.She received an enthusiastic ovation from the audience.
- 他的表现很好,在比赛中赢得第二名,值得嘉许。He did very well and finished a creditable second in the race.
- 她获得皇家音乐学院的学籍。She was awarded a place at the Royal College of Music.
- 她获得的荣誉甚多。Her honors were legion.
- 你觉得自己会满足于当个第二名,还是会继续努力去获得第一名?Do you think you can settle for second best, or are you going to keep working to reach number one?
- 她获得游泳项目的大多数奖。She carried off most of the prizes for swimming.