- 她有时剃腿上的寒毛.She sometimes shaves the hair off her legs.
- 她有时剃腿上的寒毛。She sometimes shaves the hair off her legs.
- 她刮掉了腿上的寒毛.She shaved the hairs off her legs.
- 美国妇女剃腿毛和腋毛,她们认为腿上多毛的妇女都是要破坏美国生活方式的女同性恋。American women shave their legs and armpits and assume that any hairy-legged woman is a lesbian out to destroy the American Way of Life.
- 她有时到城里去。She visits the city on occasion.
- 找到了他留在杀人凶器上的指纹印,那意味着他末日来临了。Finding his fingerprints on the murder weapon signed his death warrant.
- 我有时还想,强大的露西自信得令人难以置信,虽然她有时也让人难以忍受。I happen to think that Lucy is strong and has incredible self-confidence, although she is a little 8)overbearing at times.
- 他大腿上的伤口结疤情形良好。The cut on his leg is scarring well.
- 她有时喜欢把花扎成装饰物。She likes to wreathe flowers into ornaments when she is free.
- 马斯洛斯修改帐本上的项目之前良心上有一番短暂的争战。Matthews struggled briefly with his conscience before making the false entries in the accounts book.
- 我腿上手术的伤口会痛。The incision on my leg smarts.
- 她有时会表现出作威作福的样子。She does now and then hector a little.
- 大腿上的毛被磨擦掉了。The hair is galled off from the thigh.
- 她有时说话离谱。She sometimes wanders in her talk.
- 他烧伤的腿上做了皮肤移植。He had a skin graft on the burnt leg.
- 她有时咯血。Sometimes she coughed (up) blood.
- 她在缝补连衣裙上的破洞。She is mending a tear in her dress.
- 一条腿交叉放在另一条腿上的with one leg lying over and across the other leg
- 她有时存心做些事来使我生气。She sometimes does things on purpose just to annoy me.
- 我腿上的切口使我感到剧痛。The incision on my leg smarts.