- 她已退休[已不再执业].She has retired from practice/is no longer in practice.
- 我的律师已不再执业了。My solicitor is no longer in practice.
- 她已退休了。She has already retired.
- 她已不再满足于整天和孩子们呆在家里而让她的丈夫经常外出与人交往。She's tired of sticking at home with the children while her husband goes out and meet people.
- 她已不再是个学生了。She is no longer a student. She isn't a student any longer.
- 我虽已退休,但仍做些义务工作,以便了解当前的情势。Although I'm retired, voluntary work keeps me in the swim (of things).
- 她已连续四年获得一等奖。She has been awarded first prize four years in succession.
- 她已整整一年没有练钢琴了。She has been out of practice on the piano for a whole year.
- 为什么这个女接线员嫁不出去?(on the shelf:废弃的,未被雇用的,已退休的,不再流行的)Why is the hello girl on the shelf?
- 她已向法院申请离婚。She has filed a petition for divorce.
- 这位女演员觉得她已不再出众了。The actress felt that she was not longer the first fiddle.
- 她已预订了一本新编的汉英词典。She has subscribed for a new Chinese-English dictionary.
- 她已疲惫不堪。She was worn down with fatigue.
- 她为人高傲, 追求过她的许多人都已不再迷恋她了.Her arrogance has disenchanted many of her former admirers.
- 她已解开了这个谜。She has studied out the mystery.
- 她已吹奏了整整一小时。She had piped away for a whole hour.
- 浪漫小说已不再能吸引她了。Romantic fiction can no longer attract her.
- 据传闻,她已自杀身亡。It is rumored that she has committed suicide.
- 她已恢复了健康。She has recovered her health.
- 我几乎已不再认真考虑她。I have almost given up every serious idea of her.