- 她已皈依基督教。She was converted to Christianity.
- 她已皈依基督教.She was converted to Christianity.
- 他已皈依天主教。He's converted to Catholicism.
- 他已皈依天主教.He's converted to Catholicism.
- 他们使她皈依基督教。They have made a convert of her co Christianity.
- 她已连续四年获得一等奖。She has been awarded first prize four years in succession.
- 那些传教士于许多印地安人皈依基督教。The missionaries converted many Indians to the Christian religion.
- 她已整整一年没有练钢琴了。She has been out of practice on the piano for a whole year.
- 她已向法院申请离婚。She has filed a petition for divorce.
- 那些传教士使许多印第安人皈依基督教。The missionaries converted many Indians to the Christian religion.
- 她已预订了一本新编的汉英词典。She has subscribed for a new Chinese-English dictionary.
- 她已疲惫不堪。She was worn down with fatigue.
- 她已解开了这个谜。She has studied out the mystery.
- 她已吹奏了整整一小时。She had piped away for a whole hour.
- 据传闻,她已自杀身亡。It is rumored that she has committed suicide.
- 她已恢复了健康。She has recovered her health.
- 她已被调往另一部门。She has been transferred to another department.
- 她已通知我周末值班。She's alerted me for weekend duty.
- 她已被列为候选人。Her name has been put on the ballot.
- 她已病了好久了。She has been ailing for a long time.