- 她对我一点儿也不生气.She is not a bit angry with me.
- 但是,你从来都没有为我想一想,你对我一点儿也不关心。But you never thought about me. You never gave a damn about me.
- 是的,我们相互都是谜,但她对我却一点也不感兴趣。Yes, we're mysterious to each other but she shows no interest in me at all.
- 她对她的辞职一点儿也不感到懊悔。She felt no compunction about leaving her job.
- 她凝视的转移意味她对我一定很生气。Averting her gaze means that she must be angry with me.
- 我一点儿也不为自己受到这样的待遇而生气。I don't feel any anger for the way I've been treated.
- 你对我一点儿也不友好。You are anything but kind to me.
- 老师去世了,但她对我的鼓励是长存的。Teacher's inspiration lived on after her death.
- 人家对我不理解,我并不生气,不也是君子的行为吗?”To remain unconcerned when others do not know of you, is that not the quality expected of a gentleman?
- 很抱歉这事我一点儿也不知道。I am sorry I do not know anything about that.
- "她对饮食过分着意,所以我想她不会接受邀请去参加你的晚宴的。""She's fussy about her food, so I don't think she'll accept the invitation to your dinner."
- 我走近时,她对我点了点头打招呼。As I approached, she gave me a nod of greeting.
- 我一点儿也不觉得快乐。I don't feel at all happy.
- `她在你心目中如何?'`她对我来说无所谓。'`What is she to you?' `She's nothing to me.'
- 我一点儿也不喜欢那个主意。I don't like that idea one little bit.
- 她对我说那时候我无法解决任何事。She told me that I couldn't settle anything then.
- 我一点儿也不晓得怎样办才好。I haven't the vaguest notion what to do.
- 她对我的孩子很好, 所以我十分喜爱她Her kindness to my children greatly endear her to me
- 我一点儿也不知道电脑。I have not got a clue about computers.
- 她对我给她的屡次敬告听过马上就忘了。My repeated warnings to her went in one ear and out the other.