- 她因行为野蛮而知名.She's notorious for her wild behaviour.
- 她因行为不轨被清除出警察队伍。She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.
- 而(shows contrast)
- 她she
- 因对初犯宽宏大量而知名的女法官.a magistrate known for her leniency with first-time offenders
- 英国球迷因他们的疯狂 和野蛮而臭名昭著.English soccer fans are notorious for their craziness and barbarism.
- 她因鼓吹妇权运动而甚为知名。She is well known for her advocacy of women's rights.
- 因行为慷慨而使自己受人喜爱to endear oneself by acts of generosity
- 她因粗心大意而受到她上司的责骂。Her boss landed all over her because of her carelessness.
- 他因行为不检点而声名狼藉。He is notorious for his goings-on.
- 她因他的冷漠而变得不快。She was soured by his indifference.
- 他因行为与军官的身份不相称而被部队开除。He was drummed out of the service for conduct unbecoming of an officer.
- 她因受到责骂而感到难受。She smarted from the scolding.
- 那个商人因行为卑鄙而恶名远扬。The businessman is a proverb for meanness.
- 她因恐惧而呆立不动。She stood transfixed with fear.
- 上尉因行为不检点而被赶出了军队。The captain was kicked out of the army for immoral behaviour.
- 她因遭受损失而流泪。She shed tears over her loss.
- 他们因行为出格而受到严厉处罚。They were severely punished for being out of line.
- 她因高兴而精神焕发。She was radiant with joy.
- 她因失去丈夫而痛不欲生[忧伤不已]。She is inconsolable for the loss of her husband.