- 她写了一篇关于超现实主义的论文。She wrote a dissertation on superrealism.
- 她写了一篇题为《我的家庭》的文章。She wrote an essay on My Family.
- 然后她写了一封信给柴可夫斯基,信中彻底地向他倾吐了衷情。Then she wrote Tschaikovsky a letter in which she made a full confession.
- 她写了一篇有关莎士比亚的论文。She wrote a study of Shakespeare.
- 牧区记事录(记载牧区居民的洗礼、婚丧等事).parish register (book recording the christenings,marriages and burials that have taken place at the parish church)
- 他写了一篇关于销售的文章。He did an article on marketing.
- 她写了一本关于古埃及人习俗的书。She has written a book on the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians.
- 在一篇充满激情的演说里吐露了心声。He gave vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech.
- 今天我写了一封信给姑妈。I penned a letter to my aunt today.
- 我昨天给她写了一封信。I wrote her a letter. I wrote to her yesterday.
- 最近一份周报登了一篇文章,文章开头是一幅醒目的解说词,其中是一位愁容满面的女士。A recent article in a weekly newspaper, was headed with a striking caption of a lady in a state of considerable distress.
- 他写了一本内战史。He authored a history of the Civil War.
- 他出于礼貌给她写了一封回信。He wrote back to her out of courtesy.
- 《星期日泰晤士报》登载了一篇标题为"X兄弟们"的文章。The Sunday Times ran an article headlined "The X Brothers".
- 那位诗人为她写了许多诗。The poet has written many poems for her.
- 不用他哥哥的任何帮助,杰伊完成了一篇文章的打字输入。Jay finished typing an article without any help from his brother.
- 她写了一些东西来概述她的假设。She wrote something to summarize her hypothesis.
- 我写了一张请假条,说明缺课的原因。I wrote an excuse for my absence from school.
- 在今年2月22号的《商业周刊》上登了一篇题为《中出了什么问题?》的文章。In February 22 issue,Business Weekly carried an article titled China,what's going wrong?
- 她写了一封抗议信。She composed a letter of protest.