- 她仔细地插花.She arranged the flowers with great care.
- 她仔细地插花。She arranged the flowers with great care.
- 她仔细地考虑她的每步计划。She carefully premeditated each step of her plan.
- 她she
- 把这两个计划仔细地加以对比就可以看出一些关键性的差异Careful contrast of the two plan show up some key difference.
- 她的her
- 仔细地preciously
- 她仔细地端详他。She watched him narrowly.
- 她仔细翻看自己的钱包。She sifted through her purse.
- 她把两手深深地插进衣服口袋里。She dug her hands deeper into her pockets.
- 他仔细地将箱盖挪开。He carefully slid the top off the box.
- 她仔细考虑接下去要讲的话。She pondered over her next words.
- 他们讨论时,她不时地插一两句。She put in one word or two,occasionally when they were discussing.
- 他又仔细地检查了计划,结果发现了两个非常严重的错误。He went over the plans again and discovered two very serious mistakes.
- 她仔细阅读打字稿,以消除所有错误。She went through the typescript carefully to eliminate all errors from it.
- 他为晚会仔细地打扮了一番。He groomed himself carefully for the party.
- 她仔细考虑自己听到的事。She mused on what she has heard.
- 警察仔细地搜查了房子。The police made a methodical search of the house.
- 她仔细检查确保门已锁好。She made a double check to make sure that the door was properly locked.
- 他仔细地检视宝石。He examined the jewel with minuteness.