- 她不会骗人的.She is above deceit, ie is not deceitful.
- 她不会骗人。She is incapable of deceit.
- "她对饮食过分着意,所以我想她不会接受邀请去参加你的晚宴的。""She's fussy about her food, so I don't think she'll accept the invitation to your dinner."
- 不会!外表有时是会骗人的。这个东西其实很容易(不必花脑筋的)。我玩给你看!No. Looks can be deceiving. This thing is actually a no-brainer. Let me show you.
- 不会unlikely
- 如果她不总是一本正经地表达自己那些过激的观点,我是不会太在意的。I would mind her extreme views less if she didn't always express them with such an odour of sanctity.
- 真理不会骗人,切实无假;真理的力量强大,永存不垮"Truth is honest, truth is sure; Truth is strong and must endure"
- 不查明事实真相她不会安心。She will not rest until she gets to the bottom of the matter.
- 她看上去像是局外人--大概是她不会说英语的缘故吧。She looks rather out of it-- perhaps she doesn't speak English.
- 这位毛拉想:“无疑,安拉的许诺是不骗人的,相信他的人一定不会上当。"Surely," said the Mullah, "the promises of allah are true, and the man who trusts in Him will not be deceived
- 她不会说英语,更不用说写英文了。She cannot speak English, much less/still less write it.
- 你如果去拜访她,她不会把你拒之门外的。She won't freeze you out if you call on her.
- 她这个人不好说话,我想她不会答应我们的。She's a tough nut to crack; I don't think she'll give us permission.
- 你可以相信吉尔,她不会出差错的。You can rely on Jill; she's not given to making mistakes.
- 争辩说她不该去是不会有什么效果的。It would be idle to argue that she should not go.
- 你如果去拜访她,她不会把你拒之门外的She will not freeze you out if you call on her
- 她不会写字,但她却总在乱画个不停。She can't write, but she is always scribbling.
- 一旦他母亲说了“不”,她不会让步的。Once his mother had said “no”. she wouldn't budge.
- 那些忠实于她的人都认为她不会做坏事。She could do no wrong (ie do nothing wrong) in the opinion of her devoted followers.
- 如果我不向她招手,她不会看见我的。She wouldn't have seen me if I hadn't waved to her.