- 奶酪火锅-瑞士信息Cheese recipes - fondue - Switzerland - Information
- 冬季最受欢迎的奶酪火锅及瑞士烤奶酪将陪伴我们继续抵御严寒。Alp HouseFondue and Raclet, by popular demand these great winter favorites are here to stay a bit longer.
- 火锅hot pot
- 吃火锅blocked shot
- 要是有人认为月亮是绿色奶酪做成的,那他就一定是疯了。Anyone who thinks the moon is made of green cheese must be mad as a hatter.
- 你买奶酪了吗?Did you buy cheese?
- 淡味奶酪mild cheese
- 涮羊肉用切得很薄的羊肉片放在火锅里的开水中煮熟。这种火锅用木炭作燃料。The Mongolian Hotpot uses thinly sliced lamb and is done in boiling water contained in a copper hotpot which uses charcoal as firewood.
- 凝乳, 奶酪curds and whey
- 电火锅electric chafing dish
- 清淡的奶酪mild cheese
- 紫铜火锅Mongolian hot-pot
- 熟醇的奶酪ripe cheese.
- 沙茶火锅barbecue sauce chafing dish
- 在白沙司里加上奶酪。Add cheese to the white sauce.
- 港式火锅Hongkong-fiavour chafing dish
- 制作完全的奶酪aged cheese.
- 涮羊肉[火锅lamb pot | lamb pot [chafing-dish]|scoured mutton | instant boiled mutton
- 奶酪不易被消化。Cheese doesn't digest easily.
- 腌川火锅Salted pork in chafing dish