- 霜frost
- 面霜cream
- 眼霜eye cream
- 隔离霜sun screen
- 猫爱吃奶油。A cat relishes cream.
- 奶油是从乳脂中提取而成的。Butter is made from cream.
- 粉底霜foundation cream
- 我搅打奶油使其变稠。I whipped the cream to make it thicker.
- 护手霜hand cream
- 我把两块饼夹些奶油做成三明治。I sandwiched the cakes together with some cream.
- 除霜defrost
- 搅制奶油churn butter
- 润肤霜moisturizer
- 请给我的面包涂上奶油。Please butter my bread.
- 护肤霜skin cream
- 用搅乳器搅拌时,奶油便凝结成块。When cream is churned, clots form.
- 日霜day cream
- 他将奶油和糖混合在一起。He blended butter and sugar together.
- 乳霜cream
- 巧克力奶油慕思chocolate mousse.