- 香草馅奶油泡芙Cream puff with vanilla custard filling
- 那些奶油泡芙在地上压得稀烂。The cream puffs squashed on the ground.
- 这件礼服重20英镑(9公斤),由1500个奶油泡芙组合而成。He made it out of flour, eggs, sugar and caramel, with 1,500 cream puffs, weighing 20 pounds (9 kilograms).
- 香草奶油泡芙Vanilla Cream Puff at BEARD PAPA
- 意大利浓缩咖啡上面加奶油泡Espresso topped with whipped cream
- 黑森林蛋糕奶油黑巧克力泡芙Cream puff with chocolate cream
- 奶油泡夫cream puff
- 宝塔形奶油泡夫cruquembouche
- 你们有哪些口味的泡芙可以选?What flavors of puffs do you have today?
- 我眼睛内有稠得像奶油泡的分泌物。There is a discharge in my eyes as sick as whipped.
- 把你的奶跟我的可可泡芙混在一起Mix your milk with my cocoa puff
- 猫爱吃奶油。A cat relishes cream.
- 奶油是从乳脂中提取而成的。Butter is made from cream.
- 洗之前先将衣服多泡一些时间。Give the clothes a long soak before washing.
- 我搅打奶油使其变稠。I whipped the cream to make it thicker.
- 大热天在游泳池里泡一泡真是太美了。On a hot day a dip in the pool is sheer paradise.
- 阿芙剂裁avehess
- 我把两块饼夹些奶油做成三明治。I sandwiched the cakes together with some cream.
- 阿芙齐裁avehess
- 他的新靴子使他的脚后跟起了泡。His new boots had given him blisters on his heels.