- 奶油奶酪和牛奶隔水加热软化后拌均。加入一半砂糖,蛋黄,玉米淀粉,和柠檬汁搅拌均匀。Soften the cream cheese with milk in a bowl. Add half of the caster sugar, egg yolks, cornstarch, lemon juice and combine together.
- 猫爱吃奶油。A cat relishes cream.
- 卡门贝干酪一种奶油的、发霉催熟的奶酪,烧熟时其内部是软的A creamy, mold - ripened cheese that softens on the inside as it matures.
- 奶油是从乳脂中提取而成的。Butter is made from cream.
- 要是有人认为月亮是绿色奶酪做成的,那他就一定是疯了。Anyone who thinks the moon is made of green cheese must be mad as a hatter.
- 我搅打奶油使其变稠。I whipped the cream to make it thicker.
- 你买奶酪了吗?Did you buy cheese?
- 淡味奶酪mild cheese
- 我把两块饼夹些奶油做成三明治。I sandwiched the cakes together with some cream.
- 凝乳, 奶酪curds and whey
- 搅制奶油churn butter
- 清淡的奶酪mild cheese
- 请给我的面包涂上奶油。Please butter my bread.
- 熟醇的奶酪ripe cheese.
- 用搅乳器搅拌时,奶油便凝结成块。When cream is churned, clots form.
- 在白沙司里加上奶酪。Add cheese to the white sauce.
- 他将奶油和糖混合在一起。He blended butter and sugar together.
- 制作完全的奶酪aged cheese.
- 巧克力奶油慕思chocolate mousse.
- 奶酪不易被消化。Cheese doesn't digest easily.