- 其中标记EM3352能够应用于03A和03B两套近等基因系的显性雄性不育显性纯合单株选择。Among these AFLP markers, EM3352 is applicable for selecting plants with homozygous dominant male sterility gene locus in both 03 A and 03 B populations.
- 近near
- 被套quilt cover
- 打呼snore
- 利用携带光周期迟钝基因 (Photoperiod1简称Ppd1)的 6套近等基因系分别与其背景亲本AVALON ,BRIGAND ,BRIMSTONE ,MERCIA ,NORMAN及RENDZVOUS相比较 ,研究该基因在石家庄地区生态条件下对冬小麦农艺性状的影响。The effect of photoperiod insensitive gene Ppd1 on characteristics of winter wheat were studied in Shijiazhuang winter wheat environments,by using 6 sets of near isogenic lines respectively in 6 genetic background of AVALON,BRIGAND,BRIMSTONE,MERCIA,NORMAN and RENDZVOUS.
- 呼气expire
- 两件套twinset
- 近的anear
- 呼出exsufflate
- 护套jacket
- 近距离close quarters
- 安全套condom
- 呼机Beep-Pager
- 近义词near synonym
- 套件external member
- 呼拉圈hula hoop
- 近几年in recent years
- 三件套three-piece suit
- 呼入inhale
- 牙套tooth socket