- 矛尾鱼科的一个模式属;腔棘鱼。type genus of the Latimeridae: coelacanth.
- 奇odd
- 令未知生物学家尤其骄傲的是1938年捕捉到的腔棘鱼,??且恢盅?补爬系挠憷啵??热衔?诎综鸭捅阋衙鹁?Cryptozoologists are especially proud of the catch in 1938 of a coelacanth, an archaic-looking species of fish that had been thought to have gone extinct in the Cretaceous.
- 鱼fish
- 一名官员指出,桑吉巴的渔夫捕获一只腔棘鱼,这种远古时代的鱼,在留下8000万年前的化石后,便消失无踪,因而一度被认定已灭绝。Fishermen in Zanzibar have caught a coelacanth, an ancient fish once thought to have become extinct when it disappeared from fossil records 80 million years ago, an official said.
- 鱼的ichthyic
- 冰卡布奇诺Iced Cappuccino
- 棘thorns
- 奇缘unusual relationship
- 三文鱼Salmon
- 洛奇lodge
- 奇点point singularity
- 水煮鱼Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil
- 奇的odd
- 烤鱼grilled fish
- 奇境fairyland
- 秋刀鱼mackerel pike
- 奇偶页不同different odd and even pages
- 鱼骨fishbone
- 奇货可居something aware or precious that can be hoarded for a high price