- 文literary
- 李商隐无题诗和他的佚失传奇文LI Shang-yin's Poems without Title and His Lost Romances
- 文字character
- 奇odd
- 实则奇文一点不奇,特世人顺口接屁者太多,稍稍不肯人云亦云而自抒己见者,乃不免被庸人惊诧而已。The ideas and points of view of writers of this school always seem so new and strange only because readers are so used to the distorted vision.
- 轶事anecdote
- 文员civilian
- 报文message
- 冰卡布奇诺Iced Cappuccino
- 自从他在战争中冒险以后,就因为这次轶事而名声大振,常被人请吃饭。Ever since his adventure in the war, he has been dining off the story.
- 三文鱼Salmon
- 奇缘unusual relationship
- 下文infra
- 洛奇lodge
- 趣闻轶事anecdote
- 文胸brassiere
- 奇点point singularity
- 该文the said
- 奇的odd
- 前文preamble