- 虫虫特工队A Bug's Life
- 谍中谍/职业特工队Mission: Impossible
- 职业特工队:你我和第三次世界大战。Throw your arms around me, There's no time to be blue, It's th.
- 博伊斯、威莱、大山羊、孤家寡人的兄弟、小不点儿、皮货店和特工队都喜欢得上了瘾。boise, Willy, Goats, Friendless's Brother, Littles, Furhouse, and Taskforce were all addicts
- 头脑清醒have one's head screwed on the right way
- 迈克·尔的记录片《华氏911》﹑画片《超人特工队》和梅尔·普森的《耶稣受难记》也获得提名。Michael Moore's documentary Fahrenheit9/11 is also nominated, as are animated feature The Incredibles and Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.
- 头脑简单be light in the head
- 狗仔队"dog packs; paparazzo (singular), paparazzi(plural) (It refers to those journalists who are hunting the news of celebrities.)"
- 头脑风暴法brainstorming
- 队的team
- 她忙得头脑发昏。She was so busy that she was in a mix.
- 一队posse
- 有头脑的brainy
- 保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识和历史责任感remain sober-minded, become more aware of potential problems and enhance our sense of historical responsibility
- 施工队constructional force
- 头脑灵活tricky
- 冷静的头脑level head
- 护卫队guard
- 校队school team
- 人类头脑的潜力是无穷的。The potentialities of the human brain are inexhaustible.