- 她有些犹豫,在公开场合表达自己的感情还是头一遭。She is hesitant:expressing her feelings publicly is still a new experience.
- 在这么多人面前讲话,我还是头一遭。This is the first time I have ever spoken to such a big audience.
- 汤普生先生头一遭觉得根本没有什么好笑的。Mr. Thompaon saw nothing to laugh at, for once.
- 头head
- 头一遭乘船take a ship for the first time
- 头的cephalic
- 头一first
- 我一发觉有必要走一遭马上就来了。I came instantly I saw the need.
- 等你有幸再来世上走一遭才明白此时此刻最应快乐。Until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.
- 骗钱,他已作惯; 出卖人命,这是头一遭。He was used to cheating for money, but selling a human life, well, this was the first tame.
- 巨型铲土机正把小山头一大口一大口地啃去。Giant shovels are biting off big chunks from the hill.
- 在他思想深处,他还要说:“我迟早得去看他一遭。And he added, deep in his own mind, "I owe him a visit.
- 他给我当头一击,把我打得不省人事。He knocked me on the head and blow stupefied me.
- 要是我到卡斯特桥兵营去走一遭的话,兴许能打听到。Perhaps I might be able to find out if I went to Casterbridge barracks.
- 现在装饰在他的书房书架上的古怪瓶子,是他头一次也是最后一次购买的稀罕化妆品。The curious bottle which now adorns the bookcase in his study was his first and last purchase of rare cosmetics.
- "今儿宁可不会太太,倒要见他一面,才不枉这里来一遭.""Even if you don't see Her Ladyship you must see her, or your visit will have been wated."
- 巨型铲土机正在把小山头一大口一大口地啃掉。The giant shovel is biting off big chunks from the hill.
- 那时是你的机会,看起来现在轮到我了。一人一遭,天公地道。You had your chance then; seems to be it's mine now. Turn about's fair play.
- 破天荒头一遭unprecedented
- 昨日于屯门大兴发现一遭支解男尸,以粗盐腌着,藏在铁皮箱内。A man's dismembered body was found buried in salt and stuffed in a metal trunk in a flat in Tuen Mun yesterday.