- 失声aphonia
- 她常莫名其妙地咯咯发笑。She's prone to giggling at the most inopportune moments.
- 忍不住发笑cannot refrain from laughing
- 白昼失声nyctophonia
- 失声痛哭sob uncontrollably
- 这部电影并不好,但能引人发笑。It's not a good film, but it's good for a laugh.
- 惹得发笑to provoke a smile
- 他患这么重的感冒,嗓子失声了。He had such a bad cold he lost his voice.
- 我完全失声。I lost my voice altogether.
- 如今,好莱坞越来越精益求精,不会再推出只会令人发笑的低劣片子了。Hollywood has grown too sophisticated to turn out anything really amusingly bad these days.
- 使某人因发笑而抽筋。make someone convulse with laughter.
- 失声症aphonia [voice loss]
- 没有使人发笑的笑话a joke that somewhat missed the mark
- 哀叫,哀号,失声痛哭To howl, wail, or lament loudly.
- 他总是逗人发笑He is always good for a laugh.
- 失声之年The Year My Voice Broke
- 她样子寒酸, 客人不禁暗自发笑.Her shabby appearance drew sniggers from the guests.
- 失声的aphonous
- 那笑话引人发笑。The jokes get yaks.
- 失声大笑burst out laughing; burst into laughter