- 失业人数又上升了.Unemployment has gone up again
- 失业人数又上升了。Unemployment has gone up again.
- 这段时间的失业人数又达到了创纪录水平。In this period, unemployment reaches record levels.
- 纽约股票交易所又上升了7点多,这是本周内第3次打破了记录。The New York Stock Exchange was up seven points and change for the third broken record this week.
- 例如前面提到的黄色网站的上网人数又会怎么样呢?What happens to the audience figures for the aforementioned porn sites for example?
- 上升to ascend
- 失业unemployment
- 在过去九个月,资产价格大幅下降;失业率又上升了,并且很不幸会继续上升。In the past nine months,asset prices have adjusted substantially downward,unemployment has been rising sharply and,unfortunately,will continue to rise.
- 失业人数unemployment
- 看来老伙计又团聚了,人数又扩充了?跟你说别去找狱长打我的小报告,但你还在兴风作浪?BB: So, the gang's all back together again. Well, ain't that swell? Told you not to go around me to The Pope. But you just keep making waves, don't you?
- 失业保险insurance against suspension of work
- 上升的uplifted
- 明年失业人数将会增加。There will be a rise in unemployment next year.
- 新几内亚政府健康部门作出的最新一项艾滋病感染官方统计数字表示,艾滋病感染人数又增加了。The latest official HIV-AIDS statistics are causing alarm among health authorities in Papua New Guinea (PNG).
- 上个月产量上升了。Production was up last month.
- 青年失业人数超过百分之五十。Youth unemployment is over 50%25.
- 不断增长的失业大军引起了这名经济学家的关注。The increasing army of the unemployed has attracted the attention of the economist.
- 今天气温上升了。The temperature is up today.
- 如出席该延期举行之会议的本会会员人数又未达会议之法定人数时,法定人数可改为十人,并可办理该会议之一切事务。If at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present any ten Members present shall be a quorum, and may transact the business for which the meeting was convened.
- 总失业人数total unemployment