- 天高地阔任重道远--访中国标准化研究院院长矫云起Unrestrained and far-ranging, shoulder heavy responsibilities--visit Liqi Jiao who is the leader of Chinese Standardization Academe
- 天高地迥,觉宇宙之无穷;兴尽悲来,识盈虚之有数。Heights of five days, Cox infinite universe; Xin Jin sad to know Ying Xu's several.
- 新城商海,天宽地阔,百舸争流,一派繁华!Within the business circle of new city, the development space is wide, and the competition is fierce, taking on a prosperous scene!
- 台州地阔海溟溟,云水长和岛屿青!On the infinite and infinite sea the vast Taizhou bordering, With the green and green islands the water and cloud singing.
- 党的恩情比天高。The Party's bounty is vaster than the skies.
- 安全地without accident
- 心比天高,Her heart is loftier than the sky, A noble and aspiring mind
- 主动地on one's own initiative
- 成功地triumphantly
- 不停地ceaselessly
- 他比浩天高。He's taller than Hao Tian.
- 准确地well and truly
- 明显地markedly
- 恩比天高one's concern is higher than the sky
- 真诚地frankly
- 悄悄地stealthily
- 慢慢地slowly
- 天高牌手表Tanco
- 自动地willingly
- 清楚地fairly