- 天秤Libra
- 天秤:机智迷人、赏力强的天秤座人善长处理公共性事务。Charming, witty and tasteful, Libras work best when dealing with the public.
- 偶mate
- 且将大地之主神召唤到你们之间来,以净化你们赖以评估价值的天秤。Invoke then the master spirit of the earth, to come into your midst and sanctify the scales and the reckoning that weighs value against value.
- 秤scales
- 人偶image; figure
- 比重天秤specific gravity balance
- 偶氮azo
- 一两天我就回来。I will be back in a day or two.
- 偶的even
- 电子秤electronic loadcell scales
- 五天five days
- 偶联couple(of forces)
- 天外beyond the highest heavens; far, ; far away
- 偶极dipole
- 四天four days
- 体重秤scales
- 偶而betweenwhiles
- 天盖tester
- 偶联剂resin acceptor