- 长long
- 长吻鱼snipe fish
- 长吻鳄gavial
- 长的full-bottomed
- 天狗A name of a beast in mythos.
- 长大grow up
- 吻别kiss good-bye
- 长吻鲸porpoise whale
- 鳐ray (fish)
- 这天狗狗要出去一次,猫猫说:“你早点回来哦!One day the dog had to go out. The cat said: "Come back as early as possible.
- 你顺着我手指的方向望去,就会看到天狗了。Look in the way I showed you, and you'll see the star named "heavenly dog".
- 长达extend as long as
- 拥吻embrace and kiss
- 长短length
- 最长longest
- 热吻kiss warmly
- 长靴boot
- 很长时间for ages
- 突吻犁头鳐Shovelnose guitarfish
- 袖长sleeve length