- 天水监狱Tianshui Prison
- 天水旋鼓Tianshui Xuangu
- 宜居天水Tianshui the comfortable city to live in
- 天水苹果apple growth
- 天水盆地Tianshui Basin
- 和谐天水harmonious Tianshui
- 天水小陇山Xiaolongshan of Tianshui City
- 天水围游泳池Tin Shui Wai Swimming Pool
- 天水旱作区dryland area
- 参加者先到天水围公园集合,再根据指示到达不同的检查站考察。Participants gathered at Tin Shui Wai Park and received hints of checkpoints.
- 天水师范学院Tianshui Normal University
- 734年天水地震Tianshui earthquake in 734 AD
- 天水锻压机床厂Tianshui Metalforming Machine Tool Works
- 该岛只是天水交接处的一个黑点.The island was just a dot on the horizon.
- "天水"由来考证A Textual Research on the Origin of "Tianshui"
- 红景天水煎液water-extraction of Rhodiola L.
- 1654年天水地震Tianshui earthquake in 1654
- 王了望的天水诗文Poems Which Wangliaowang Wrote in Tianshui
- 天水有个太阳房村A solar village in Tianshui, Gansu
- 天水三国遗迹丛考Study on the Ruins of The Three Kingdoms in Tianshui