- 联合unite
- 联合的united
- 联合利华Uniliver
- 他们匆匆达成和平协议。They patched up a hasty peace.
- 联合起来join up
- 和平带来繁荣。Peace brings prosperity.
- 联合培养dual culture
- 他们为和平而战。They struggled for peace.
- 联合早报Lianhe Zaobao
- 他献身于谋求世界和平的事业。He was committed to the cause of world peace.
- 企业联合kartell
- 他们鼓吹和平。They preach peace.
- 联合收割机combine harvester
- 这首诗的主题是爱与和平。The theme of the poem is love and peace.
- 这项不平等的和平协定导致了另一场战争。The unjust peace agreement set the scene for another war.
- 联合行动combined action
- 他就是和平的化身。He is the incarnation of peace.
- 联合声明joint statement
- 这是《战争与和平》的原版本。This is the original text of "War and Peace".
- 财阀在日本,由有实力的家族控制的商业联合企业A powerful family-controlled commercial combine of Japan.