- 1987年,近代历史上最明亮的超新星出现在大麦哲伦星系。In 1987, the brightest supernova in recent history occurred in the Large Magellanic Clouds.
- 剑鱼座,南半球靠近网罟座和绘架座的一个星座,含有大麦哲伦星云的很大一部分a constellation of the Southern Hemisphere near Reticulum and Pictor,containing a great portion of the large Magellanic Cloud
- 剑鱼座南半球靠近网罟座和绘架座的一个星座,含有大麦哲伦星云的很大一部分A constellation of the Southern Hemisphere near Reticulum and Pictor, containing a great portion of the large Magellanic Cloud.
- 南半球的人可以看到大麦哲伦星云,离地球16万光年远,以及18万光年远的小麦哲伦星云。People in the Southern Hemisphere can see the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is about 160,000 light-years from Earth, and the Small Magellanic Cloud, which is about 180,000 light-years away.
- 哲philosophy
- 它带着两个卫星星系在空间穿梭,卫星星系是不规则的小麦哲伦星云。It travels in space with two satellite galaxies, the irregular little Clouds of Magellan.
- 伦比equal
- 棒旋星系barred spiral galaxy
- 矮星系dwarf galaxy
- 他种了几英亩大麦。He cropped several acres with barley.
- 乱伦的incestuous
- 这面粉用大麦碾成。The flour was ground from barley.
- CD星系CD galaxy
- 洛伦Loran (long-range navigation)
- 无芒大麦beardless barley
- N型星系N galaxy
- I型塞佛特星系Type I Seyfert galaxy
- 本哲量intrinsic energy
- 伦勃朗Rembrandt, one of the greatist Dutch artists
- 你能分辨大麦和小麦吗?Can you tell barley from wheat?