- 汉城大韩民国报Seoul Korean Re pubilc
- 美国将支持大韩民国为谋求在朝鲜半岛缓和紧张局势和增加联系的努力。the United States will support efforts of the Republic of Korea to seek a relaxation of tension and increased communication in the Korean peninsula.
- 从禹汤文武起吧,一直到清朝皇帝,民国总统,我想没有哪一个朝代的统治者有现在农民协会这样肃清盗匪的威力。In my opinion, no ruler in any dynasty from Yu, Tang, Wen and Wu down to the Ching emperors and the presidents of the Republic has ever shown as much prowess in eliminating banditry as have the peasant associations today.
- 总统president
- 香港与14个主要投资伙伴--澳洲、奥地利、比利时/卢森堡、丹麦、法国、德国、意大利、日本、大韩民国、荷兰、新西兰、瑞典、瑞士和英国,签订了促进和保护投资的双边协议。Hong Kong has bilateral investment promotion and protection agreements with 14 of its major investment partners: Australia,Austria,Belgium/Luxembourg,Denmark,France,Germany,Italy,Japan,Republic of Korea,the Netherlands,New Zealand,Sweden,Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
- 美国总统Chief Executive
- 总统的presidial
- 国家 (百份比) (百万美元)美国 22.000 283.1 日本 19.669 218.4 德国 9.845 109.3 法国 6.516 72.4 联合王国 5.579 62.0 意大利 5.104 56.7 加拿大 2.579 28.6 西班牙 2.539 28.2 巴西 2.093 23.2 大韩民国 1.866 20.7Country (per cent) (%24millions)United States 22.000 283.1 Japan 19.669 218.4 Germany 9.845 109.3 France 6.516 72.4 United Kingdom 5.579 62.0 Italy 5.104 56.7 Canada 2.579 28.6 Spain 2.539 28.2 Brazil 2.093 23.2 Republic of Korea 1.866 20.7
- 副总统vice-president
- 民国the Republic of China
- 总统选举presidential election
- 大韩航空Korean Air
- 前总统former president
- 大韩民国ROK
- 总统套房president suite
- 大韩日报Taehan Ilbo
- 针对这一问题,杜鲁门总统要求国会向希腊和土耳其提供4亿美元的资金。President Truman met the problem by asking Congress for400 million dollars to aid Greece and Turkey.
- 大韩圣公会The Anglican Church of Korea
- 当选总统president-elect