- 四大金刚。Four Heavenly Guardians at the entrance to a Buddhism temple T.
- 四大金刚Four Heavenly Guardians at the entrance to a Buddhism temple; Four Devarajas
- 大金刚-摇摆之王Donkey Kong - King of Swing
- “四大金刚”Four BeautlfulProstitutes
- 马里奥对大金刚2Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis Nintendo
- 大金刚King Kong - 1933
- 大叫yell
- 他们是四大金刚。They are the four guardian warriors.
- 大号tuba
- 大类main type
- 四大the four elements [earth, water, fire, wind]
- 变大fill out
- 大公司large company
- 大流行craze
- 大男子主义androcentrism
- 最大限度maximum
- 大好very good; excellent; very good
- 大幅度vast scale
- 大白become known
- 大包bale