- 五十fifty
- 五十周年semicentennial
- 五十步笑百步the pot calls the kettle black
- 五十岁的quinquagenary
- 五十铃Isuzu Motors
- 五十周年纪念golden jubilee
- 煤气表的读数是五十。The gas meter reads 50.
- 她花五十元钱买畅销书。She sprang fifty dollars for best sellers.
- 五十个州组成美国。Fifty states comprise the Union.
- 他已年过五十。He has turned fifty.
- 一个姑娘进来,把一个信封放在桌上,里面有五十英镑。A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk. It contained%2450.
- 他寄给我四张五十圆面额的钞票。He sent me four fifty-dollar notes.
- 五十位国家元首参加了女王的加冕典礼,向女王表示敬意。Fifty heads of state attended the Queen's coronation to do her honour.
- 他的腰围不小于五十公分。He is no less than fifty centimetres round the middle.
- 香蕉卖五十便士一磅。Bananas cast fifty pence a pound.
- 他五十岁时生下一个女儿。He fathered a daughter at the age of fifty.
- 她将近五十岁了。She is nearly fifty now.
- 五十英亩耕地fifty acres of plough
- 我的父亲五十岁了。My father is fifty years old.
- 她一总花了五十元。She spent fifty yuan in all.