- 大学是教育机构.universities are educational institutions.
- 大学university
- 维持公开大学是对教育机构的一种利诱。Keeping the Open University was a sop to the educational establishment.
- 机构institution
- 在这混乱的时代,纯文学至上主义的强调是教育上的奢侈。Emphasis upon belletrism is an educational luxury in this chaotic era.
- 大学的rah-rah
- 应受指责的是教师,再则就是教育机构。The blame lies with the teachers and, by extension, with the Education Service.
- 她成绩这么优秀,可以说考上一所名牌大学是没问题的。She does exceedingly well in her studies and should have no problem being admitted to a prestigious university.
- 青少年犯拘留所的拘留能看做是教育吗?Can detention in a remand home be regarded as educational?
- 牛津大学是一所老大学。Oxford is an old university.
- 从错误中吸取教训是教育极为重要的一部分。英国哲学家罗素Mistakes are an essential part of education. --Bertrand Russell, British philosopher
- 海德堡大学是德国最古老的大学和最有吸引力的大学之一。Heidelberg University is one of the most ancient and attractive universities in Germany.
- 那将是一个纯粹的教育机构吗?Is it to be purely an educational organization?
- 开罗大学是埃及规模最大的高等院校 ,在中东地区也享有盛誉。The University of Cairo is the largest in size of Egyptian universities and also well known in the whole Middle East
- 教育机构维持相配标准的证明的行为。the act of certifying that an educational institution maintains suitable standards.
- 青少年人格上的缺陷反映的是教育思想和教育观点的偏差,而教育思想和教育观?In the young people personality flaw reflects is educates the thought and the education viewpoint deviation, but educates the thought and education?
- 大学是高等教育机构。A university is a higher educational institution.
- 主体性教育是教育活动的根本指导思想,当然也是语文教育的根本指导思想。This theory is the basic guiding theory the education,especially the Chinese education.
- 人民大学是要办的,主要培养财贸、经济管理干部和马列主义理论工作者。The People's University of China should be started up again,mainly to train personnel in finance,trade and economic management,as well as to train Marxist-Leninist theorists.
- 转学退出一个教育机构或一门课程并加入到另一个中去To withdraw from one educational institution or course of study and enroll in another.