- 奈氏带宽Nyquist band width
- 逆奈氏阵列inverse nyquist array
- 脑膜炎奈氏球菌Neisseria meningitidis
- 奈氏曲线的单向环及其应用One direction loop of Nyquist curve and its application
- 氏clan name
- 奈how can one help
- 拟南芥arabidopsis
- 曲线拟合curve fitting
- 江鳕和大头鳕形态学的初步研究Prelimimary study on morphology of Lota lata Linnaeus and Gadus macrocephalus Tilexius
- 拟人化personate
- 加1亳升的C溶液(奈氏试剂)进25亳升的样本中,把混合液摇动20秒。Add 1 ml solution C (Nessler's reagent) to 25 ml water sample. Agitate the mixture for 20 sec.
- 拟制draw up
- 屈臣氏Watson
- 神奈川Kanagawa
- 根据你的情况,我们拟予从宽处理In your case, we are prepared to be lenient.
- 拟合曲线fitting curve
- 奈特Nat
- 源氏物语Genshi Monogatali
- 香奈尔chanel
- 布氏硬度brinell hardness