- 大吉岭喜马拉雅铁路的轨距尺是610毫米。The Darjeeling Himalayan railway is the light railway system of a gauge 610 millimeters.
- 铁路railway
- 铁路运输railage
- 大吉岭徽标:证明商标Certification Mark for DARJEELING logo
- 高速铁路rapid transit railways
- 喜马拉雅Himalayan
- 大吉岭名称本身:证明商标。Certification Mark for Darjeeling word per se.
- 铁路建设railroading
- 印度喜马拉亚山东南麓大吉岭区之土壤与植物A Preliminary Study of the Soils and Vegetation of Darjeeling Area,Southeastern Himalaya,India
- 铁路公司railroad
- 大吉岭茶一种上等的红茶,尤其生长在印度北部地区。A fine variety of black tea grown especially in the northern part of India.
- 青藏铁路Qinghai-Tibet Railway
- 来自其他产地的茶叶都不许以任何方式与大吉岭茶混合。No blending whatsoever with teas of other origin is permitted.
- 一条新的铁路正在修建中。A new railroad is under construction.
- 以下图表对大吉岭名称和徽标的国际注册现状进行了归纳。The present position of international registration of Darjeeling and Darjeeling logo is summarized in the chart below.
- 以细白或大吉岭,但是,老龄化可能带来了醇香,宜人的特点。In a fine Keemun or Darjeeling, however, aging may bring out a mellow, pleasant characteristic.
- 铁路系统railway system
- 2000年出口的大吉岭茶共约850万公斤,总值达3,000万美元。In the year 2000 about 8.5 Million Kilograms of Darjeeling tea was exported, amounting to a total value of USD 30 Million.
- 那条街与铁路平行。The street paralleled the railroad.
- 在她1937年举行她的宗教宣誓之前,她在都伯林,大吉岭,印度接受训练。She trained in Dublin and in Darjeeling, India, before taking her religious vows in1937.