- 我曾努力节食减肥,但终因吃奶油蛋糕而半途而废。I was trying to on a diet to lose weight but I finally fell by the way side by eating cream cakes.
- 几位女士试图减肥,但同时又吃奶油蛋糕,结果是半途而废。Several ladies who were trying to lose weighthad already fallen by the wayside by eating cream cakes.
- 大吃gobble
- 猫爱吃奶油。A cat relishes cream.
- 吃eat
- 我们大吃苹果。We stuffed ourselves on apples.
- 盘子里有一块奶油蛋糕。There is cream cake on the plate.
- 男孩大吃放在他面前的色拉。The boy tucked into the salad put in front of him.
- 他们在美滋滋地吃奶油蛋糕。They are regaling on cream cakes.
- ph.1. 奶油蛋糕charlotte russe
- 这男孩圣诞节那天大吃火鸡。The boy gorged on turkey on Christmas Day.
- 高热量的奶油蛋糕calorie-laden cream cakes
- 男孩子们大吃一顿。The boys tucked away a big meal.
- 草莓鲜奶油蛋糕Fresh cream cake of strawberry
- 猫偷吃奶油时总是闭着眼睛。The cat shuts its eyes when stealing creams.
- 他大吃我的烤馅饼。He punished my pizza.
- 苹果饼或者奶油蛋糕。Apple pie or cream cake.
- 大吃一顿stoke
- 松软可口的奶油蛋糕.A nice squidgy cream cake
- 猫闭着眼睛偷吃奶油。The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.